Colors of Light and Colors of Object | Colors Explained

Colors Of Light

When different colored lights are combined, it is found that all the colors can be made from various combinations of just three colors. They are red, green, and blue and are called the Primary colors of light.

When beams of the three primary colors are shone onto a white screen so they overlap they produce three secondary colors of light and white light.
These are Yellow, Magenta, Cyan,

The diagram shows a color wheel if you spin it quickly, the color seems to disappear and the wheel looks white.

Colors Of Object

When white light shines on objects they reflect some colors and absorb all the others. The color of an object is the color of light. A post box looks red in daylight. This is because red paint reflects mainly red light. It absorbs most other colors.

In the same way, in daylight, daffodils look yellow. The daffodil flower reflects only yellow light; other light colors are absorbed.


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